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Readings in Archaeoastronomy.
Papers presented at the International Conference:
Current Problems and Future of Archaeoastronomy
Held at the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw
15−16 November 1990

Foreword v
I. Archaeoastronomical Investigations in Europe
Katalin BARLAI, Ida BOGNÁR-KUTZIÁN, Endre ZSOLDOS, Rays of Prehistoric Sun 11
Emilia PÁSZTOR, Archaeoastranomical Research and Problems
in Hungary
Jean François OUDET, Le Panthéon de Rome a la lumiere
de l'equinoxe
Robert M. SADOWSKI, Odry Revisited 53
Stanisław IWANISZEWSKI; Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy
in Poland: the Last Two Decades
II. Archaeoastronomical Investigations' in Latin America
Mariusz Ziółkowski et Arnold Lebeuf; Les Incas étaient-ils capables
de prévoir les éclipses de June?
Ryszard TOMICKI and Robert M. SADOWSKI, The Night of Blas
Botello: On a Certain Astrological Prediction During the Conquest
of Mexico
Elżbieta SIARKIEWICZ, The Cryptonumber Correction System of the Venus Cycles in the Dresden Codex 87
Stanisław IWANISZEWSKI, Mesoamerican Cross Circles and Seasonal Cycles 98
III. Ethnoastronomy
Françoise JASNIEWICZ, Les methodes de l'ethnologie
en ethnoastronomie
Arnold LEBEUF, Un fossile d'astronomie babylonienne: l'icône
du Jugement Dernier de Polana (Musée National de Cracovie)
Jarosław KOLCZYŃSKI, Persistence of the Concept of Stone Sky
in Polish Folkculture
Stanisław IWANISZEWSKI, On Some Maya Chol Astronomical Concepts and Practices 131
Arnold LEBEUF, Mariusz ZIÓŁKOWSKI et Robert M. SADOWSKI,
Le calendrier des slaves et l'observatoire imaginaire de Ludwik Stomma
List of contributors 153
(Do początku strony)
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Projekt i wykonanie strony: Łukasz Andrzejowski