Foreword |
v |
I. Archaeoastronomical Investigations in Europe |
Katalin BARLAI, Ida BOGNÁR-KUTZIÁN, Endre ZSOLDOS, Rays of Prehistoric Sun |
11 |
Emilia PÁSZTOR, Archaeoastranomical Research and Problems in Hungary |
20 |
Jean François OUDET, Le Panthéon de Rome a la lumiere de l'equinoxe |
25 |
Robert M. SADOWSKI, Odry Revisited |
53 |
Stanisław IWANISZEWSKI; Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy in Poland: the Last Two Decades |
57 |
II. Archaeoastronomical Investigations' in Latin America |
Mariusz Ziółkowski et Arnold Lebeuf; Les Incas étaient-ils capables de prévoir les éclipses de June? |
71 |
Ryszard TOMICKI and Robert M. SADOWSKI, The Night of Blas Botello: On a Certain Astrological
Prediction During the Conquest of Mexico |
84 |
Elżbieta SIARKIEWICZ, The Cryptonumber Correction System of the Venus Cycles in the Dresden Codex |
87 |
Stanisław IWANISZEWSKI, Mesoamerican Cross Circles and Seasonal Cycles |
98 |
III. Ethnoastronomy |
Françoise JASNIEWICZ, Les methodes de l'ethnologie en ethnoastronomie |
105 |
Arnold LEBEUF, Un fossile d'astronomie babylonienne: l'icône du Jugement Dernier
de Polana (Musée National de Cracovie) |
113 |
Jarosław KOLCZYŃSKI, Persistence of the Concept of Stone Sky in Polish Folkculture |
127 |
Stanisław IWANISZEWSKI, On Some Maya Chol Astronomical Concepts and Practices |
131 |
Arnold LEBEUF, Mariusz ZIÓŁKOWSKI et Robert M. SADOWSKI, Le calendrier des slaves
et l'observatoire imaginaire de Ludwik Stomma |
135 |
List of contributors |
153 |